What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?

What Can Guinea pigs eat? It is a common issue for anyone studying your pet and the treatment necessary to keep cavies (yet another name for guinea pigs) as pets.

To start with cavies are herbivores, meaning they only eat vegetables, fruits, vegetation. You will not be feeding your brand-new pet any foods, fats, dairy, or junk food. Unlike other animals who appear to take pleasure in the food cavies can't absorb such things effectively causing you countless dollars in vet bills.

Given there are numerous forms of vegetation, this is actually the most common, and most healthy listing of guinea pigs eat:

Timothy Hay - unlimited amounts should be constantly available

Alfalfa Hay - for pregnant and nursing cavy parents, and their babies

Dark Green Lettuces- escarole, green leaf lettuce, romaine, kale, spinach (different these weekly for best results, providing the lettuce every couple of days )

Carrots - daily each pig might have 1 baby carrot or the equivalent

Pellets - again, provide an unlimited amount

What you should know about what your cavies could eat:

Guinea pigs won't binge. They'll eat continuously and should eat continuously because they metabolize food rapidly. They should perhaps not go hours without access to food. This relates to water as well, they need to always have plenty of water available to them, in water bottles.

Where to Buy Hay:

The expense of hay can mount up quickly, If the owner has several guinea pig. Shelters and saves usually get second or third cut timothy hay from the local village because it is much cheaper than in stores. In fact, on Craigslist, owners can find bales of hay (of 40-50 pounds) for less than $4. One bale should last a long time in caring for the cavy, and in the event that you ever come to an end of your regular bedding selection it may double for bedding. Be sure to always offer more than enough hay love to perform in it, as they love it, and can go through it quickly.

More details are available on this site.

More About Pellets:

Normal pellets without the added vegetables, or other bits are the easiest way to choose your furry friend. Frequently pet stores try to convince you that other pellet food is advanced, making you feel like you're doing better for your pet. Unfortuitously, these different parts are no more healthy, and the vegetables and such can cause obstructions in their intestinal tracks, charging you hundreds for surgery. There are two sorts of pellets that are particularly guinea pigs eat cavies, Oxbow and Kleenmama.

Salt & Mineral Wheels:

These are needless for cavies health, they get enough from quality ingredients listed above. But, sporadically these might be offered because they do enjoy them.